Hybrid way of working
Helping you adapt to remote work challenges to make the best out of online and office work
Going forward from the COVID remote era, companies have the choice to go back to the office normal, keep the fully remote way of working or find a strategic balance between the two.
Developing a hybrid setup (combination of remote and office work) is seemingly the road most companies will take on the medium-long term combining the benefits of both in-person and remote work while mitigating risks to maximise productivity.
In order to minimise risks and leverage the benefits of this hybrid setup, we offer services along the diagnostics, design and implementation phases, addressing root causes for lasting impact.
Think you are all set for a hybrid setup?
You might want to look under the hood
Non-decisive meetings, productivity loss due to regular context switching, frequently arising conflicts and misunderstood priorities are all symptoms of multiple underlying causes. The impact of improperly chosen or insufficiently detailed practices, processes and tools becomes more apparent in a remote setup, requiring attention to minimise operational risks.
How we can help you

Remote readiness and maturity assessment
With our proprietary tool covering organisational characteristics in six dimensions, we scan your organisation for opportunities and threats in order to assess the required treatment.
By creating a heatmap of areas to address and recommending a development plan for each affected team / function, we prioritise where your attention and effort should be directed in order to reach your strategic goals.
The dimensions we assess in detail are:
Responsibilities & Processes & Structure
Technology and tooling
Individual wellbeing

Organisational consulting
Supporting to develop a hybrid way of working
Depending on your strategic goals, your current organisational maturity and mode of operation (traditional or agile), the approach to change can vary significantly.
Whether focusing on one team / problem or transforming organisation-wide processes and mindset, we help you build the effective collaboration that is essential to defining and maintaining a well-functioning hybrid operation. We help you with the following activities:
Helping define organisational goals
Selecting teams or functions to include and matching them with fitting remote or hybrid ways of working
Defining the desired end state, development steps and implementation methods

Training and coaching
Developing efficient remote teams
Implementation is key for success towards a hybrid organisational way of working, which we support with multiple methods, for both individuals and teams.
For lasting impact, we provide introduction trainings, ongoing mentoring and coaching with long-tail support and hands-on facilitation - each of which are optional elements, but serve best in a well developed sequence. See details and reach out to us if you feel like you could benefit from them, starting today:

Preparing participants for the successful return to the office and long-term adoption of remote elements based on the pillars of agile
Topics around the six main categories are discussed in detail (Communication, Processes and responsibilities, Culture, Leadership, Tooling and technology, Individual wellbeing)

Our hands-on facilitation can provide best practices as learning examples or serve outcome focused purposes:
Conducting workshops to prepare decisions, clarify roles & responsibilities or plan effectively on medium-term
Introducing and supporting team ceremonies
Conducting efficient remote meeting